Thursday, October 9, 2008

The First Time on TV!

So today was my first appointment at the doctor's! I met Dr. Eastman who was very nice, but stern, a little East Coastish but won me over when she told me I could eat sushi! She made very logical sense when concluding that Asian women do not stop eating fish and Greek and Italian women do not limit themselves on feta and certain types of cheeses!

We first listened to the heartbeat. Kristie, one of my best friends, came along for support. As soon as we heard it we just looked at each other in astonishment! The heart was beating at 160 beat per minute! Doc said it was normal. Then baby made the first TV appearance of his/her career!

We saw the little tyke on the ultrasound TV and he/she wasn't shy. I started laughing, my nervous way of crying, and with each laugh the baby moved in delight! We saw its head, arms, legs and body, mainly its skeleton! The doc said everything looked normal, the length, measurements, head, spine was great, and the abs. That was a big relief. When poking around at different angles, baby did not like that and turned its back on us!!! Can you believe it- only 15 weeks old and sporting a 'tude! That sounds like Sean and Beth's kid!

Baby turned back around for us, and gave us one last wink. I got to see the heart beating and it seemed like a small miracle---I don't know how anyone actually thinks at one time this was never a life form. My hear melted seeing its heart beat....I raced off to Trader Joe's and bought some organic vegetable and chicken and cooked up a healthily meal for baby and me. There was no longer a need or desire for fast food or gross packaged food- I was back to my training days for the Olympics- although this time something much better was at the end of the training....

Baby Marks!


Livid said...

Aw Beth, that's so sweet! And surreal! I cannot believe we're grown ups now. I'm glad I finally got to see what Sean looks like.

Indy Marc said...

What a great first blog! So happy for you and Sean! Keep sharing - your entry was spot-on ... very entertaining! Love ALL THREE of you!
The Emenhisers

Daddy C said...

You made your daddy tear up!
We are so happy for you and Sean and Baby Marks....
Stay healthy, Stay happy, Stay strong, but most of all Stay Beth Ann my daughter.

Laraine Jacobus said...

You look so pretty in that photo, such a natural beauty. Glad to know you are well. I like that your doctor said you could eat fish and cheese. My sister-in-law was on a diet very the opposite. It frightened me! Take care and feel free to get a hold of me if you need anything at all. ~Laraine

Bree said...

WAAY too cool....isn't it funny how FAST the heartbeat is? And I know how much ultrasounds have gotten better, more 3-Dish than back in the days when I was a prego.
Thanks for sharing....Bree

grannym said...

ohh, I am so excited. We will watch this site with great expectation. Keep us updated.