In this first ultrasound the baby's head is on the left side, you can see its big belly and the feet are on the right hand side!!! The baby is posing picture perfect!
The 2nd picture is looking down onto the baby's head on the right hand side, on the left hand side, the baby is literally giving a thumbs up sign! The baby is saying "Everything's ok in here mom and dad!!!"
The doctor put two ultrasounds side by side in amazement....In the ultrasound on the right hand side, the baby is making fun of me! I was watching the whole thing with my head propped up by my hand and my elbow up in the air....on the right hand side ultrasound, we literally watched the baby put its hand behind its head and prop itself up----what a little bugger!!! The doctor was amazed!
I don't want to be one of those moms that thinks there baby is the best in the world, but come on, the kid is giving a thumbs up sign!!! It definitely has a personality already; a combination of Sean and I. I know both sets of grandparents are laughing because we were both handfuls when we were little....this little one knows exactly what's going on! When I am talking about the baby, the baby tends to kick to remind me its right there with me....when I put my computer on my belly two weeks ago the baby made it known it doesn't like hot radiation on its head! And the baby's favorite food seems to be beef as it drains all the iron out of my body! This baby is a character but I would expect nothing less! I accidently found out the sex of the baby at this appointment so I am leaving that out because Sean would like to be surprised....for those that know what the baby is please don't comment on the sex on this blog just in case he reads it...I know that snooping Sean is going to try to figure out like a little kid on xmas eve but I doing my best not to spill the beans!!!!