I got off the phone with Sean today and realized that Baby Marks is fast approaching his debut into the world!!! And only 17 days left untl Sean come home! It just seems like yesterday we got married and started our life together even though it has been literally miles and miles apart (for now!). Since my last blog, many things have changed. I have been slowly making my transition into motherhood with various experciences, typical worries and anxieties and of course those of you that know me well- prepartion! I had two rounds of wonderful baby showers- one in San Diego and a virtual one in NJ where I got to see family and friends. Both were great and really got me into an excited but nervous mood about labor and after labor. I am sure a year from now I will be repeating, "I can't believe how old the baby is!" but for now I am trying to imagine life with the baby. I have put my focus this week on balancing my life so that I am a great mother who is very happy. My first priority is my family and my faith and then everything else follows. I am looking forward to the little things in life that I had once just walked by and ignored. For instance, spending time on a blanket with the baby just looking at the trees and the sky, spending the day at the beach with the baby and Sean. I cannot wait to go to the lake cottage in Michigan and watch them both on the dock fishing. I cannot wait to have the little guy jump onto both of us at 6am on a sunday morning to wake us up. Instead of shooing him away I see both of us grabbing him and having an informal playful WWF match in the mountains of pillows and sheets...I cannot wait to hear his laugh, see his face and just sit and stare at his toes and little fingers for hours on end. Baby is going to teach me much more about life than I ever thought- he will reintroduce me to it!